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nothing shows mercy just like the land

I needed to leave behind

new landscapes although stunning

won’t make me as satisfied

letting go is the hardest

art of living a life

yearning for past stories

to stay vivid in hearts

it was your birthday when

I finally walked these streets

sleeping in the arms of strangers

praying for us to meet

siren songs do echo

no matter how far I run

some stories can never end

some loves will never pass

unbearable beauty lies

in the rain that comes in May

leading me to walk

few paths we used to share

the warm wind turns the pages

browsing through notes of these

unspoken plans we’ll never

get a chance to fulfil

it was never our lifetime

although we once met

all we share right now

is this bittersweet taste


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about the author


What is your blue ocean?

Mine is bittersweetness, nostalgia and longing.

Hi. I am Domka Spytek and these are my heartaches turned into poems. For the past two decades, I have been writing pieces about love and grief, nostalgia and longing (mostly for the place called home). I embrace my melancholic nature by finding a little bit of sweetness

in the sadness of all the experiences. 

Kotwica 1

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